Thursday, June 18, 2015

The New York Times Throws in the Towel on "Overpopulation"

But America’s “newspaper of record,” as it styles itself, failed to record the horrors themselves. It was woefully incomplete. There was no mention of the human costs when governments made population control a priority. No mention of the savage forced abortions and forced sterilizations that followed. No mention of the killing of baby girls through female infanticide and sex-selective abortion. No mention of the wasted money, the age and gender imbalances that continue to unfold and will take effect for years to come. No mention of how the overpopulation panic helped to fuel the rise of birth control use and abortion.  Visit:

The New York Times Throws in the Towel on "Overpopulation"

American Radio Journal - Commentaries on Economic record of Jeb Bush and Donald Trump

American Radio Journal - Commentaries  (audio recording about ten minutes)