Saturday, August 1, 2009

Desperate States and Decaying Federalism

From the Center for Vision and Values: Why are prosperous states like New York, New Jersey and California failing?
"The article focused on New York, New Jersey, and California, which are all cases of erstwhile prosperous states that have fallen on hard times. The common denominator has been liberal/“progressive” (i.e., big) government. All three employ heavy “soak-the-rich” state and local tax policies; and, yet, their government deficits are enormous. They rank near the top in per-capita state spending, but suffer from high unemployment and below-average job creation. They sought to be workers’ paradises with heavy unionization and a minimum wage above the national standard, yet lead the country in people moving out of state. What gives?
As Ronald Reagan would say, government is the problem, not the cure. The article continues: Desperate States and Decaying Federalism:

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